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Rigging Services for Events

Whether you are planning a concert, a business conference, a tradeshow, or any event that requires audio and video installation, rigging is something that cannot be ignored. While it may not be the first thing that many people think of when plotting out their dream…

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Video Production Services

The video production services at Event Productions Services takes the magic of video to a higher level than ever before. Comprehensive video production from creating video to displaying it, whether on a conventional screen, LED Wall, or TV or on a giant surface. We offer…

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Staging is the core of the production and its presence is the key starting point for the room. Stage placement and shape are critical components of the look and feel of the environment we are creating. We like traditional rectangle stages as much as anyone,…

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At Event Production Services, we creatively design lighting to be both utilitarian and artistic. Our lighting expertise ensures well-lit speaking engagements and colorful and theatrical galas & concerts. In the process of crafting an environment for your guests, lighting is one of the most necessary…

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Audio is one of the most important aspects of event production. When audio is done well, it becomes transparent. Whether you are delivering a speech or dancing the night away, quality sound production is vital to your guests’ experience. Our audio technicians have fine-tuned their…

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How We Do It

When we think of technology, we think of ever-changing multimedia trends, state-of-the-art audio, video, lighting, and rigging, visually stunning presentation quality, and artificial intelligence. Technology is constantly changing; you need an event production company that stays up to date on evolving trends. We not only…

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